Time & Date

12 / 08 / 2022

19:00 ~ 20:30


A319, Research Building, School of Medicine


Members of our center

4th"New Theory of Evolution" Workshop

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4th "New Theory of Evolution" Workshop will take place on December 8th (this Thursday) from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, still located at Room A319 in the Research Building of the Medical School.


The topic for discussion and presentation is "The Randomness of Genetic Variations". The presentation will be delivered by Dongya Wu, Yunqiu He, Qisan Wu, and Rongsheng Gao . Baohua Chen will be moderating.


SET Perspective: Genetic mutations, leading to new phenotypes, are expected to be random in direction and usually neutral or slightly disadvantageous.

EES Perspective: New phenotypic variations are likely to have a specific direction and functionality.