1st Young Talents' Symposium of Evolutionary Biology

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On December 10th, the First Young Talents' Symposium of Evolutionary Biology, hosted by the Center for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology, was successfully conducted via live webcast. Invited speakers included Professor Wen Wang from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Professor Shi Wang from Ocean University of China, Professor Zhongyi Wu from Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Shujin Luo from Peking University, and Researcher Yonggang Yao from the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. They joined researchers from the Center for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology - Dr. Shaohong Feng, Dr. Haoxuan Liu, Dr. Xingxing Shen, Professor Guojie Zhang, and Professor Qi Zhou - in hosting the forum. The event featured 15 young scholars from China, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, each presenting a 30-minute talk on various evolutionary biology topics. In-depth discussions with the invited speakers and audience members enriched the presentations.


The presentations in this symposium covered various fields, including phylogenetics, computational biology, comparative genomics, comparative morphology, cellular functional evolution, developmental biology, ancient DNA, and more. Fifteen young scholars offered analyses from microevolutionary (genes and cells) and macroevolutionary (individuals, populations, ecology, etc.) perspectives, addressing cutting-edge scientific issues related to humans, animals, and viruses.


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The audience expressed that this forum was packed with valuable insights, fostering communication among Chinese scholars worldwide in the field of evolutionary biology. It guided both teachers and students to focus on the forefront of science, broadening everyone's academic horizons. With over six thousand attendees online, this forum received extensive attention.