Time & Date

10 / 28 / 2022

19:00 ~ 20:30


A319, Research Building, School of Medicine


The whole school

3rd "New Theory of Evolution" Workshop: The relationship between organisms and environment

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The 3rd "New Theory of Evolution" Workshop is scheduled for this Friday, October 28th, from 19:00 to 20:30 at Room A319 in the Medical Research Building.

The theme for this workshop is "The Relationship between Organisms and the Environment." The sharing will be conducted by Xin Li, Hongjun Liu, Yulong Xie, and Jixuan Zheng, with Guangji Chen as the moderator.


SET viewpoint: "Organisms are influenced by the environment (natural selection)" Supported by Xin Li & Hongjun Liu 
EES viewpoint: "Organisms and the environment have a mutually influential causal relationship" Supported by Yulong Xie & Jixuan Zheng