Time & Date

08 / 31 / 2022

10:00 ~ 12:00


A319, Research Building, School of Medicine


Members of our center

4th Regular Meeting of Our Center

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On August 31st at 10 a.m., Center for Evolutionary&Organismal Biology convened its fourth plenary meeting at Room A319 in the Medical Research Building.


To kick off the meeting, the center's assistant, Yunqiu He, provided updates on several facets of the center's operations, encompassing publicity, organizational development, and personnel affairs.



Following that, Dr. Yifeng Wang, a postdoctoral researcher from Professor Qi Zhou's research group, presented their research on programmed DNA elimination in Nematodes species. This topic piqued substantial interest among attendees, leading to lively discussions.



During the meeting's third segment, Dr.  Chao Liu from Xing-Xing Shen 's research group presented the progress of research related to convergent evolution in pathogenic fungi. The presentation received high praise from both teachers and students, leading to discussions exploring feasible pathways for further research.



Finally, Guangji Chen from Professor Guojie Zhang's research group introduced a theoretical issue that has sparked intense debate within the global evolutionary biology community: 



During this meeting, both teachers and students actively engaged in enthusiastic discussions, expressing their deep reflections on intriguing scientific inquiries.