Time & Date

07 / 27 / 2022

10:00 ~ 12:00


A319, Research Building, School of Medicine


Members of our center

3rd Regular Meeting of Our Center

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To advance center development and foster academic exchange among its members, Center for Evolutionary&Organismal Biology held its third plenary meeting on July 27th at 10 a.m. The meeting took place in Room A319 of the Medical Research Building.


Initially, Yunqiu He briefed everyone on the progress of various center matters, including publicity, personnel, and organizational development. Together, they discussed operational aspects and solutions to challenging issues.


Following this, Dr. Dongya Wu presented on “Association between Morphology Convergence and Sequence Similarity”. His talk delved into the relationship between the formation of significant biological traits in evolution and genetic variations. He applied population genetics research methods to the field of comparative genomics, sparking a lively discussion among attendees.



Dr. Baohua Chen briefly presented his doctoral research work and delivered a presentation titled "Development and Evolution of Inflatable Organs." He explored the origins and evolutionary history of lungs and swim bladders as homologous organs, discussing their diverse functionalities and structures. This topic piqued significant interest among teachers and students, leading to active participation and lively discussions during the session.



With the active engagement and enthusiastic support from faculty members and students across various research groups within the center, Center for Evolutionary&Organismal Biology has experienced rapid growth. All activities are being carried out systematically and with great diligence. This exchange has fostered a positive atmosphere, broadening both the academic perspectives of teachers and students and inspiring new research directions. We believe that such exchanges will undoubtedly contribute to the development of young scholars, fostering their growth and contributing to the sustained enhancement of the center's research standards.