Time & Date

09 / 17 / 2022

10:00 ~ 12:00


A319, Research Building, School of Medicine


Members of our center

1st "New Theory of Evolution"workshop

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On a lively Saturday morning, September 17th, 2022, at 10:00 AM, teachers and students at the center gathered for a unique discussion: "Do We Need a New Theory of Evolution?"



Guangji Chen and Yanlin Lu provided a lively and chronological overview of the traditional evolutionary theory, known as SET (Standard Evolutionary Theory), presenting it in a clear and engaging news broadcast format.



Baohua Chen and Danyang Sun provided an overview of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) from four perspectives: defining EES, its core concepts, focal points, and distinctions from SET or the Modern Synthesis.


“"Today's just a background briefing. We have four further discussions ahead, focusing on genetics' core, the relationship between organisms and their environment, the randomness of genetic variations, and the connection between developmental biases and evolution," remarked the discussion's organizer, Chen Guangji. "I hope those preparing for these topics won't continuously pivot between SET and EES."