Time & Date

05 / 25 / 2022

10:00 ~ 12:00


Shaoyi Café, NamiBuilding


Members of our center

First Regular Meeting of Our Center

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On the morning of May 25th, around 10 a.m., Center for Evolutionary&Organismal Biology convened its inaugural full-team meeting at Shao Yi Coffee.


The first agenda of the meeting revolved around the operational aspects of the center, encompassing future developmental priorities, setting up promotional channels such as a website, and plans for recruiting top-tier talent.


The second agenda featured a presentation and discussion by Xing-Xing Shen, primarily centered on topics encompassing machine learning in systematic evolution, comparative genomics, gene family evolution, and functional genomics.



Following that, the third agenda involved a presentation and discussion by Qi Zhou, focusing on topics related to sex chromosomes, gender-determining genes, trait evolution, sperm, and fertilization processes.



The meeting concluded with an open discussion phase, where preliminary insights and discussions on each person's research area were shared and explored.


Center for Evolutionary&Organismal Biology intended to hold  one full-team meeting monthly (tentatively scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month).